梦坞 Dreamland超级赛尔 S2 空间展 - Dreamland 梦坞,在2023年3月亮相广州设计周。缘起2022,一幢明艳的“梦坞”,承载着过去不平凡的一年里种种内心的挣扎。它是属于现实世界的一座房子,也是通往另一个次元的入口。进入梦坞,观众将经历一场梦境之旅。看见 “我”,看见 “你”,看见时间。Super Sell S2 Space Exhibition - Dreamland, debut at Guangzhou Design Week in March 2023. Originating in 2022, a stunning "Dreamland" carries with it the struggles of the past extraordinary year. It is a house belonging to the real world, but also an entrance to another dimension. Entering Dreamland, the audience will experience a dream journey. Seeing "me", seeing "you", seeing time.

见我 VIPASSANAVIPASSANA 见我的互动体验掀起了展期的高潮,场内人潮涌动,爆满至限流入场。在场人数少时,见我更像一个与自己对话的内观场所,空灵、禅意。当人群聚集,每个人的影像投射到空间中,交织成一幅只属于此刻的图画,这份独有的,与时间有关的集体创作,是由每一个参与者共同完成的作品。回应策展的主题:梦境无尽,此刻永恒。当我们看到时间,看到自己,不禁产生对古人的智慧、和东方哲学的思考。VIPASSANA, an interactive experience , has set off the climax of the exhibition , with crowds surging and full to the limit. When there are fewer people present,VIPASSANA is more like an introspective place where one can have a spiritual and zen-like experience. When the crowd gathers, each person"s image is projected into the space, interweaving into a picture that belongs only to this moment. This unique and time-related collective creation is accomplished by every participant together. In response to the curatorial theme: "Endless Dreams, Eternal Moments". When we see time and see ourselves, we cannot help but contemplate the wisdom of our ancestors and Eastern philosophy.


VIPASSANA | 与自己相遇的非凡旅程通过独特的互动技术,观众的身影被实时映射在空间中,与不同时空的自己进行互动. VIPASSNA的幻境中,你可以与过去每一秒的自己相遇,解锁不同玩法. 当然,你也会与其他观众的身影邂逅Through unique interactive technology, the audience"s figures are mapped in real-time in the space, interacting with their different selves in different times and spaces. In the fantasy world of VIPASSANA, you can meet yourself from every second of the past and unlock different gameplay. Of course, you will also encounter the figures of other audience members.

见我VIPASSANA的沉浸式互动体验是一个基于最新人像识别技术和cache技术的多媒体艺术作品。通过Feedback和Image delay 技术,对现场观众实时捕捉的影像可以产生不断回馈的视觉效果。通过将观众的身影与线条图进行交织,我们在空间中形成了一系列抽象的艺术画面。观众可以与这些画面进行互动,与自己的影像,与时间对话。The immersive interactive experience of VIPASSANA is a multimedia art piece based on the latest facial recognition technology and cache technology. Through Feedback and Image delay technology, the real-time captured images of the audience on-site can generate continuously feedback visual effects. By interweaving the figures of the audience with line drawings, we create a series of abstract art scenes in the space. The audience can interact with these scenes, converse with their own images and with time.

见我 Vipassana 适用于各种场景如: 艺术展览、快闪活动、户外狂欢、夜店、音乐节、Livehouse、时尚秀场等。Vipassana还可以升级叠加多种艺术化效果,结合现场不同的音乐BGM,带来多重情绪感受。我们也设计了标准化的Vipassana cube. Vipassana cube 可以独立体验,或模块化的融入不同的空间或活动。VIPASSANA is suitable for various scenes such as art exhibitions, flash events, outdoor carnivals, nightclubs, music festivals, livehouses, fashion shows, etc. VIPASSANA can also be upgraded by adding various artistic effects, combined with different live background music , to bring multiple emotional experiences. We have also designed a standardized VIPASSANA cube. The VIPASSANA cube can be experienced independently, or modularly integrated into different spaces or events.


▲可根据不同应用场景选择见我模块 ▲花絮 Gags

▲VIPASSANA 见我 人气爆满 ▲


NERVE若无NERVE 若无空间数字艺术,我们致力于融合空间、艺术和互动,让更多人体验数字互动空间的魅力。Nerve Space Digital Art is committed to integrating space, art and interaction, allowing more people to experience the charm of digital interactive space.团队信息 TEAM INFO作品名称:见我 Vipassana创作机构:NERVE 若无空间数字艺术创作总监:卜天静 宗三川 赵雷 主创团队:陈亮 魏春光 叶茂 宋万元 魏一方 屈啸光 陈静摄影师:阿奇*以上排名不分先后

若無空间数字艺术创始人 - 卜天静 宗三川 赵雷

设计师: NERVE 若无空间数字艺术

机构&职务: 若无空间数字艺术

擅长专业: 家装设计,软装搭配,建筑设计,公共空间设计

个人简介:NERVE若无空间数字艺术 突破次元,探索无限可能 我们致力于融合空间、艺术和互动,让更多人体验数字互动空间的魅力NERVE若无空间数字艺术由卜天静女士、赵雷和宗三川先生共同创立他们在空间体验、设计美学、视频创作、数字交互等领域拥有卓越成就我们的愿景是将科技、美学、空间体验等多领域跨界融合,打造真正先锋的、创新的空间数字艺术互动体验。有别于传统的互动艺术展,NERVE若无的作品希望让观众真正参与、成为作品创作的一部分结合当代审美和国际化视野呈现作品,并传承中国传统文化和东方哲学思想的伟大智慧。
